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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Vintage Hot Pink Lockwood Console Table

This perfectly pink Lockwood Console Table by Zuo Modern brings a vintage feel with a pop of hot pink color to your chic living space or modern business setting.  I love the rugged and distressed details with antiqued metal accents along the legs and on the drawer handle. Its elegant shape and gracefully curved legs give it a unique and delicate form and yet this piece is fully crafted from elm wood making it sturdy and strong. The single drawer in the center is great for placing keys or small personal items. It is finished with a chic vibrant pink color that will give any dreary space a fresh and vivacious look.

Shabby Chic Design: Love this Look?

Like stepping into a whimsical, real-life dollhouse, shabby chic interior design can give your home that quaint and cozy feeling while maintaining a modern and high-quality style. Most shabby chic interior spaces are created using light colors. Cream, white and beige colored furnishings made from wood or wicker with distressed details and an antiqued finish keep that modern and minimalistic style while the worn features give it a rustic edge. When using lighter colors you also have more room to play around with the colors and style of accent pieces. Pastel pinks, light blues and calm lavenders as accents give it a feminine and delicate appearance. Intricate chandeliers and glamorous light fixtures make perfect accent pieces as well. This is a great look to use for the interior of a beach house, a girls bedroom or a cozy kitchen.

May 7th, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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Feliz Cinco de Mayo Guacamole Recipe!

Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the states to commemorate Mexican heritage and to express Mexican pride.  One of the most necessary foods to have at any Cinco de Mayo celebration is of course that delicious, creamy green dip – Guacamole! Guacamole originated with the Aztecs in Mexico and is a definitely a must-have when preparing the cuisine. Below is a Guacamole recipe to help kick-start your Cinco de Mayo fiesta!

First – gather your ingredients. You will need extra-ripe avocadoes, salt, black pepper, lemon juice (or lime) chopped cilantro, chiles, onion and even tomatoes if you want!


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1 Tbsp of fresh lime juice or lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp to 1/4 cup of minced red onion or thinly sliced green onion
  • 1-2 serrano chiles, stems and seeds removed, minced
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro (leaves and tender stems), finely chopped
  • A dash of freshly grated black pepper
  • 1/2 ripe tomato, seeds and pulp removed, chopped

Cut the avocados in half. Remove the seeds, scoop out the avocado and put it in a mixing bowl.  Use a fork and mash the avocado. Sprinkle the salt and lime or lemon juice in the mixture. Then add the chopped onions, cilantro, black pepper and chiles. Be cautious with the amount of chili peppers you add. The peppers vary in their hotness. Start with a ½ of one chili pepper and add more depending on your desired degree of hotness. Once all the ingredients are blended together, the process is complete! It is truly that simple!  Now you are ready to chow down with some chips or add to your favorite taco or burrito.

May 5th, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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Merry May Day!

Yes, the spring equinox got the ball rolling on the spring season but here in New Jersey the weather has been so up and down some days it is hard to tell what season we are in. Hopefully, today, May Day will truly set in stone the spring renewal and we can continue to enjoy warm sunshine and blooming flowers. In many cultures, May Day is a traditional spring holiday. It is celebrated by dancing, singing and eating lots of cakes and goodies. So, dance, sing and be merry today – remember this is the season of positive growth and rebirth!

May 1st, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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Modern Couch Pit: Love this Look?

This modern-bohemian couch pit makes a great spot to gather with friends and family members especially after a casual dinner party or to sip coffee and tea after a holiday dinner. The white couches give it a minimalist and clean feel, while the bright and bold red, yellow and orange patterned pillows add a touch of ultra-chic accents to the space. This nook is an inviting and friendly space expressing your fondness for close encounters and intimate conversations. Love this look? Let me know what you think!

April 30th, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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Funky Finds: The Jam Chair By Calligaris

Mmm scrumptious jam….and no, I don’t mean that deliciously sweet condiment, I’m talking about the Jam Chair by Calligaris. This ultra-modern dining and side chair comes in an array of different transparent colors that spread over the outside of the chair like sweet jam on your breakfast toast! The interior of the chair comes in a glossy white finish while the cutout back allows you to get a peak at the colorful exterior shell. You can also peep a glimpse of the color along the sides of the chairs as well when you are viewing it from the front. The shell itself is made from bicolor technopolymer and is extremely smooth, comfortable and durable. The sleek and elegant chromed steel legs (in either sled or four-legged base) offer a stable and sturdy stance. This Italian-made, funky little chair has a whole lot of personality and would pair nicely with a minimalist contemporary dining table preferably with a chromed metal base.

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