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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Binary Art and Design

Kenneth Knowlton's Binary Art

The theory that Progress is a stepping stone toward some elevated plane of existence is not necessarily a time based, linear notion. The chaos theory proves (to the extent that it is derived) the multifaceted array of the “seemingly” random order of time. The generation of a fractal is one way to describe this theory in motion. Things change yet nothing changes — simultaneously.

Kenneth Knowlton, pioneer of binary art and theory, examined the nature of progress through interactivity. “The computer does not make it possible to define or execute complex processes — this possibility exists independently — but the computer does make execution fast enough to be done interactively with further human decisions, accurate enough to avoid mistakes, and cheap enough to afford a great deal of experimentation. Whether the computer is defining a new branch of art is an open and difficult question, particularly in the area of works defined entirely by logic.”

He and many other artists of this era have formed a valid argument against the notion of Progress as linear. This is evident in their experimentation with geometry and patterns generated by early computer programs.

June 6th, 2006 by Karen

A New Beginning…


Have you ever wondered what exists beyond the scope of human intelligence? Is there such a thing as an original idea? What ever happened to idealistic vision of “The Future” promised by some of the great minds of the 20th Century?

Welcome to, your portal to Space Age thought, design, technology, and Beyond! The intent of this blog is to promote forward thinking and innovation within a positive environment. We will discuss the contributions, past and present, that have propelled the evolution from Modernism through Post Modernism to our current cultural climate.

Today’s artist is Finnish designer Eero Aarnio. Aarnio’s “Ball Chair” (1963) is a fiberglass semisphere with cushioned center on a rotating base. Aarnio’s creation has been described a “room within a room” because of it’s unconventional shape and cozy atmosphere. The conception of Aarnio’s “Ball Chair” escalated the trend of womb-like interiors in Modern furniture.

Eero Aarnio Style Ball Chair from

June 2nd, 2006 by Karen

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