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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Happy Earth Day!

The earth provides us with everything we need. From the air we breathe, the water we drink to the food we eat and the land we reside on. Earth has given us all of herself and deserves to be treated with respect and care. It is not everyday we do the absolute best we can to lessen our carbon footprint, but for one day, today, let’s pay homage to our beautiful planet. Happy Earth Day!

April 22nd, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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Have a Happy & Healthy Easter Weekend!

April 18th, 2014 by Alexandra Christina


The Glamour Bench by Sunpan

Add a glimmer of luxurious style to your foyer, living room or bedroom décor with the Glamour Bench by Sunpan. At first glance this bench appears as a classic button tufted furnishing in a transitional or traditional style, but when you look a little more closely, you will notice the legs of this bench are tapered and made of transparent acrylic, giving it that modern elegance we all know and absolutely love! Additionally, it is offered in a variety of eclectic and contemporary colors such as purple, teal or mushroom (grayish champagne). It also comes in subtler colors such as gray and black for a more muted palette. The plush seating is upholstered in beautiful faux velvet making comfortably to sit on and smooth to the touch. This regal bench was built to impress and provides sophisticated seating for your interior design.

Rustic Rocker: The Pant Rocker by Shiner

Imagine it is a warm, spring day, the sun is shining above and the birds are singing softly. You are casually relaxing on your front porch, sipping a cool cup of ice tea. The aroma of fresh blooming flowers tickles your nose. A light breeze passes by and brushes against your face and neck. You gently rock back and forth in your comfortable new rocker. The Pant Rocker by Shiner is a contemporary take on a classic rocking chair. Made in the USA and eco-friendly, it is crafted from high-quality recycled hardwoods and steel. It is customizable with your choice of walnut, cherry, calico, pine or oak wood finishes paired with brushed or blackened steel frame finishes.  Its uniquely large oval legs and arms are extremely sturdy and provide the perfect, uniform sway for remarkable comfort and ultimate relaxation. The Pant Rocker by Shiner is the ideal combination of modern style with a touch of rustic charm, the perfect piece to have for the warm spring days ahead!

The Ripple Armchair by Zuo Modern

The Ripple Armchair by Zuo Modern is lovely to look at and probably even better to relax on! The design is quite intriguing with different shades of green and white ribbon-like panels that flow along its center. The cushioned panels create a wave-like, ripple effect that is not only visually interesting but also massages the body as you lounge on it.  It is upholstered in sleek and supple leatherette which is soft against the skin and very easy to clean. The chair is supported by a chromed solid steel double-sled base for extra strength and an added touch of shine.  This chair would look fantastic in a contemporary, modern or even transitional environment especially one with green accents.

The Multi-Functional Embrace Table by Offi

I love versatile and functional furniture that can serve many different purposes! The Embrace Table by Offi is one of those pieces, with the ability to configure into a contemporary storage unit, stylish magazine rack, creative laptop table, modern bench or as a desk for children all-in-one ultra-modern design! It is made from elegantly molded plywood which can easily be manipulated into whichever use you intend for it. It comes as two pieces that “embrace” one another by fitting them together like puzzle pieces or they can be used separately. It can be placed in a variety of settings and environments because it comes in a multitude of different finishes including birch veneer, walnut veneer, black laminate or white laminate. At a reasonable price, this is definitely worth checking out especially if you live in a small place or need to utilize your space in the most efficient way possible.

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