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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Lovely Lofts

Recently, I made some room in one of the smaller rooms in my home. This room was previously used as an office, a closet, a spare bedroom, a craft room, a mini library…and the list goes on. More recently, we have been hosting a number of family friends. So, the room is going to serve as a guest bedroom again. While we absolutely need to utilize this room for guests, it also needs to retain some of the space that we used it for previously. So what has to go? NOTHING.  Here are six different lovely lofts that will serve to maximize the usage of your guest room!
1.  The computer desk, media shelves and trundle/additional loft bed make this perfect for a multi functional space!
2. Check out those stairs – they are actually filing cabinets! Closet and storage space as well as trendy ombre doors serve to make this chic loft space perfect for you and your guests.
3. This loft bed has a cozy little nook underneath that’s enclosed for privacy. Great closet space here as well!
4. This kid’s loft space is too cute. The modern classic furniture, fake grass and work/play space are perfect for your little ones or grand kids!
5. The deluxe loft – this has it all! Closet space, a book shelf, a seating area. It’s pretty much everything you need in and under one piece of furniture.
6. Very cool closed off space, great for kids or adults. this was made with a regular loft bed, and then transformed with DIY cut out panels. Good for privacy, safety, and fun!

Fun with Photography

May is a month of celebration of many things, Mother’s Day especially. An observation of the art of Photography is also celebrated this month. I have always loved looking at photographs, old and new – whether they are portraits, landscapes, or wedding photographs – they truly hold a thousand words. Actually, they hold more. Check out six different ways to incorporate photography into your home décor in some very unique ways. Perfect Mother’s Day gifts as well!

1. Canvas – I love this idea – it is a photograph of a bride’s bouquet from her wedding day. The couple had it blown up on an adhesive canvas, and made it a statement wall. Gorgeous way to remember that special day.

2. Photo Booth – Larger than Life Photo booth! Another fun idea, blown up photos put together to make a photo booth like effect. A great way to incorporate separate family members into one shot!

3. Quilt- This is really unique! I had originally saw this is a movie years ago, and loved the idea. Perfect for mothers and other family members who live far away, and could use some warm memories from time to time.

4. Furniture – I love this idea! It would be great for a shared bedroom for children, i.e. putting each child’s photo on one dresser so they could identify which belonged to them. Great idea!

5. Letters – Make a collage and turn it into your favorite words, or quotes! The usage of “Joy” is beautiful; I also was fond of “Family” and “Love.”

6. Lampshade – Shed some light on your favorite moments! This DIY project might be trickier than most, but definitely worth the effort.

Hope you enjoyed these six different ways, and maybe your Mother will too! =)

Cinco different ways to decorate in Mayo

So it’s Cinco de Mayo! Grab a frothy margarita and take a seat. Here are five different ways (I know, it’s supposed to be six but I had to!) to decorate your home with a touch of Mexico! Try one or all, I am so in love with the bright colors and mixture of prints and patterns – there is really no way this could go wrong! Mexican style is heavily influenced by Spanish, Native American -specifically Aztec and Mayan among many others cultures. A lot of the concepts, traditions, colors and customs were passed down and melded into what we now call modern Mexico.

1. Colorful Furniture – Mix it, match it, the brighter the better! Statement pieces are staples to Mexican style design. If you don’t want to make the jump to colorful furniture- take a small step to…

2. Bright Accent Walls – The Spanish influenced architecture of Mexico provides some beautiful archways, ceilings, and woodwork. Here we see a carved out geometric wall which is painted a lovely teal and topped off with Aztec wall art. I love the combination of color and shape – it really makes for a great conversation piece. If you don’t have the advantage of having structures like these, you could always paint them – of course using a bright hue – onto your wall, furniture, etc.

3. Moravian Hanging Stars – These are another item you are sure to see when in Mexico. They have a religious symbolism, however, they are used in decor and design and have been for years. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, color and are made from different materials. Some even light up! A room full of Moravian Star Light is surely a sight to see.

4. Bold colors paired with geometric shapes – Hot Pink, turquoise, and a lovely black and white Aztec patterned floor are just some of the highlights of this modern Mexican Lounge. Pair several colors, or even just one – (I’d go for a canary yellow) with two toned geometric floors, or furniture.

5. Hand Painted Ceramic Tile – Ok, so you might not know, or want to hand paint tiles. However, you can purchase wall art that has the same aesthetic as these hand painted tiles that are common to Mexico – most of the time blue and white. The paintings on the ceramics usually are traditional folk designs from years and years ago and add a traditional feel to any space.

So now you have Cinco different ways to infuse your home with a little of taste of Mexico! Happy Cinco de Mayo & Enjoy!

Food Inspired Rooms

I am a self proclaimed foodie. One wouldn’t think so as I really do not eat that much, but when I eat, I EAT. When I’m at work, I’m thinking about dinner. When I’m having dinner, I’m thinking about breakfast. Sometimes I’m coming up with new recipes, other times I’m mimicking chain restaurant’s secret recipes (I have a guilty pleasure for cheddar bay biscuits).  I have been like this for as long as I could remember. When I was younger, it was tipped more to the chocolate/candy/dessert/sweet end of the see-saw that is my diet, now it’s more food. When I was a kid though, sweets were my passion. I always wanted a room that was decorated like the candy land board game – which was naturally my favorite game. Unfortunately my sister, with whom I shared a room with at the time, didn’t share my enthusiasm for sweets so I was SOL. One always could dream, and I did. I took a trip down memory lane today and found these really unique, food themed rooms, some popping up in hotels around the country!! Dreams do come true!! Dig in!! =)

April 30th, 2015 by Christina

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April Showers bring May Flowers!

If you’re a spring bride who had a shower in April – you’re probably anticipating the big day within the next couple of weeks during the beautiful month of May! Flowers are an essential part of the big event – and you more than likely have your floral arrangements picked, and ready to go for the big day. While I know that tons of preparation goes into wedding planning, I wanted to offer a few last minute ideas to help spruce up your spring bouquet! These ideas will really add something special to your already special day. Check out six different ways to put a twist on your May flowers!

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrow, Something Blue & Sixpence in her shoe

I love the idea of brooches mixed into floral bouquets. I think that sometimes the idea of incorporating this tradition into your attire is overwhelming. I think that it’s a great idea to compress this into one grand arrangement, using the concept of the brooch bouquet. What do you think? Check out the ideas below!

Old – ask one your of your relatives for a article of clothing that they wouldn’t mind donating a swatch of, this can be a wedding veil, or even a tie. Have it made into a wrap for the bouquet.

New – The flowers of course will be new, but let’s add something to it. What could be more new than the greatest symbol of your union? Your rings but of course, tie them to the bouquet for a unique twist!

Borrowed-brooches old, new, mix it up! your mother, aunts, and grandmothers might have some really interesting vintage pieces, and your bridal party could contribute one of their choice as well for a modern mix!

Blue – If your arrangement is blue, you’re one step ahead of the game! If not, you can include a small blue flower, brooch if it matches, or ribbon. If you want to go for something more discreet – pin a blue charm to the bouquet. For example, in Greek tradition we use the “mati” or evil eye charm for good luck. This is a great addition to a bouquet!

Now all you need is the sixpence and your shoe – or in your Brooch bouquet!

Put Up The Partition Please!

Catchy huh? Well I have always loved Partitions, even before the song became a hit! Partitions, or folding screens have been used for centuries believe it or not. Originating in China, these were decorated with all different types of art and utilized as a way to prevent one from getting ill from the cool drafts that came through the home. Over the years, the popular folding screens made their way around the world, are used for multiple purposes including serving as dressing screens, room dividers and interior decor in all rooms of the home. Nowadays, they have several names – but have definitely not lost their appeal or beauty. Check out (a few more than)
six different lovely partitions!

April 28th, 2015 by Christina

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