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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.


One of my favorite elements of that some New York City apartments boast are beautifully exposed brick walls. These exposed walls are almost like the bones of the place, and give off a rustic, industrial look. I love how they can make such a statement without being too loud or bold – it’s just a really natural, muted look that brings so much life to a space. Of course – they can be added to per taste, but I like the simplicity of just a few photo frames adorning the walls, or even just the bare wall itself. Check out six different ways brick walls were done right! And, if you want to achieve a similar look – try a faux brick wall – tutorial via Pinterest.

Green with Envy

Most people aren’t too keen on the idea of all white rooms, or for that matter, green floors. However, when you pair the two together – clearly, magic happens. The herringbone pattern of the multi hued green tile floor makes it mosaic like. Thus, making it an art piece in itself. This unique and lovely floor demands all attention, making all other elements of the room envious. With simple accents like the modern statue, and muted tiled fireplace, this room ties together wonderfully. This is definitely a great way to create a modern room in a minimalist way. Seeing green isn’t so bad now…if you could contain your floor envy. =)

Think Pink!

Not everyone loves the color pink. However, I am a big fan. While pink is mostly associated with women or being feminine in nature, as the years go by, it is becoming more of a gender neutral tone. In some countries outside of the U.S., boys are actually outfitted in pink and girls in blue. I actually love the idea of incorporating pink into a home that is shared by both sexes. Again, some are overwhelmed by the color. However, there are very different ways to introduce pink into your home, whether it’s furniture or decor – less the pepto effect. This color and related hues are associated with feelings of happiness, warmness and cheerfulness, so why wouldn’t you want it in your home? Check out six different ways to think pink without being over the top!

1. By way of accent decor…

2. To greet your guests with a welcoming door.

3. Make your living room cheery with a couch in a pale blush…

4. Or pair it up so it’s not “too much”

5. Use a pop of hot pink in the bathroom for a bright start to your day…

6. Or  add a splash of pink and sweet dream the night away!

From the pages to the walls

My first book was The Cat Who Said Meow. While I do not have a particular affection for cats, I do enjoy reading very much. I have since my older sister taught me how to. I believe that reading one book a night (at a bare minimum) it so necessary, almost vital to all children. There are so many benefits to reading, it sharpens your mind, expands your vocabulary, your knowledge of diverse subjects, and is super relaxing to name a few!! So while most children/adults are quick to hop on the literature train, here are six different ways to inspire a desire to read – how you ask? By bringing the story to life…check it out! I chose my favorite six – there are so many different ways you could achieve the look of your favorite book!


Six Shades of May

To end the month of May off in proper fashion, I would like to introduce six shades of May. This post is a tribute to the design and décor brought to us via the major motion picture movie that recently hit dvd a few weeks ago. While some weren’t huge fans of the movie, but were of the book, or vis a vis – we cannot deny the impeccable taste in style of furniture and decor – specifically in the infamous red room. While the colors and tones may be a little harsh for some, there are some alternative, modern and delicate ways to achieve a similar style. Here are our six shades of May!

Inspired by…The Four Poster Bed – “Bone Inlay Four Poster Bed” – via Anthropologie 

Inspired by…The Tally Chair – “Edie Chaise” via Urban Outfitters

The Cubist Dresser via Pinterest

The Ipod Column – via  Hollywood Displays

Inspired by the Gold Geometric Ceiling… “Art Deco Gold Screen” via Pinterest

Inspired by…Chesterfield sofa – “Aristocrat Sofa” by Zuo Modern via









DIY Backyard Makeovers!

Over the memorial day weekend, I hosted a BBQ, as I am sure most people either hosted or attended one themselves. Any how, I woke early Saturday morning to prep the backyard for my ten plus guests. While setting up with the outdoor chairs we have, and folding tables, I realized that we were severely lacking in the aesthetics department. So, of course I took to pinterest. Here are six different ways to spruce up your summer shin dig – DIY style. Enjoy!

1. String Lights – How gorgeous these are! They’re inviting and warm up the atmosphere, adding a magical touch to any summer night.

2. Outdoor Storage Cabinet – Use an old cabinet, strip it down and paint it, add some funky wallpaper and add a all weather sealant. Store garden tools, swimming towels, candles, etc away safely and in style.

3. Outdoor Plastic Chairs Revamped – Cover areas of your old plastic chairs with tape, and pick a fun color and spray away. I like the horizontal stripes, and would probably go for a nautical style with navy and white stripes but the brighter the better!

4. Tire Coffee Table – Love these colors! Perfect example of upcycling. Alternatives to the tires could be a ice tub, great for storage!!

5. Tent – This is really detailed, but you could try simpler versions. Great for reading, relaxing, and resting.

6. Pallet Tiki Bar – This is a feat for the ambitious, but worth the results! Add lights for the finishing touch!

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