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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.



The WAF light and the WAF limited are two sets of modern lighting solutions designed by Asaf Weinbroom.

Shown above is the WAF light, which is a unique take on the table lamp. The WAF is made from two pieces of maple veneer that are folded and then buttoned together using wooden buttons. The upper veneer is adjustable so that the reflection of light can be directed in the preferred way.


The WAF limited is an extension of the WAF light which contains the table lamp as well as a hanging lamp, available in three color options. The WAF limited is made in the same way as the WAF light, but of ash and white oak. It is also buttoned with wood buttons.

Asaf Weinbroom is an industrial designer that runs Asaf Weinbroom Studio in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Modern Lighting from David Taylor

These unique table lamps are designed by David Taylor. Born in Scotland but now based out of Stockholm, David Taylor has an awesome collection of lighting and accessories.

Pictured above is a reading lamp made of papeir maché and steel tubing. 

Shown here is the Oil Lamp, made of silver, steel, MDF and a plastic mirror.

This is a table lamp, made of PVC, silver and locline flexible tubing.

Head to David Taylor’s website to check out all of his innovative designs.

March 25th, 2011 by Lyn

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Universal Furniture

The Universal Furniture Part is made from a single piece of material that can be arranged into an endless amount of shapes, as you can see in these photos. Designed by East Side Design, a design studio out of Austin, Texas, explains the Universal Furniture Part on their website:

“These identical, nesting parts are designed for maximum efficiency from a single sheet of material and can be rearranged and recombined to form limitless combinations of useful configurations.”

How would you shape the Universal Furniture Part??

The Chain Rocker

Next time you see an old bike on the road waiting to be picked up for trash, think about the Chain Rocker and the potential that old bike has.

Made completely of recycled chains and tires, the Chain Rocker also has a steel support frame that is made of 98% recycled steel.

The Chain Rocker is made by BRC Designs, a modern furniture design studio started by Benjamin Rollins Caldwell and based out of South Carolina. BRC’s website says that their company “melds timeless and unconventional materials into unique yet simple furniture designs.”

Bamboo Lounger

The Bamboo Lounger is a unique lounge chair created by woven rings of bamboo. The bamboo was woven to create a material that was then attached to a steel frame.

The Bamboo Lounger is designed by Objekt Incorporated, a London-based design firm that specializes in bespoke furniture.

March 22nd, 2011 by Lyn

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Modern Cribs from Babycotpod


Babycotpod, a UK-based modern baby furniture company, has two cribs that are perfect for your contemporary baby. Above is the Metro Crib, a modern take on the traditional crib. Using natural materials, the Metro has colorful attributes that are perfect for a nursery. The frame is available in your choice of natural beech, dark wood or white wood.


Although not yet available for purchase, the Babycotpod website says that Cascara will be ready for purchase sooner than later. As you can see in the image above, the Cascara is a contemporary bassinet. The Cascara is handmade and available in a large variety of colors to choose from.

What do you think of the modern baby furniture by Babycotpod?

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