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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

The Heater Seat

The Heater Seat is a super-unique chair made from recycled materials. As you can see, the seat of the chair is made from an old radiator that is bent and welded into a chair shape and then painted for a sleek finish.

The legs of the stool are made using recycled, chrome-plated legs from old stools.

Designed by Boris Dennler of Boris Lab in Switzerland, the Heater Seat is initially bent by Boris jumping on the old radiator:


What do you think of the Heater Seat?

Bamboo by Bombol


Since there’s plenty of modern furniture for adults, it’s always nice to have a look at modern baby furniture. The Bamboo, designed by Bombol, is a crisp and contemporary baby seat.

It is made using Bombol’s patented dynamic back-rest, or DBR, technology. This technology senses the baby’s movements, whether it’s sitting, sleeping or playing and adjusts accordingly.


Once the baby is a bit older, the safety strap can be removed from the Bamboo and used as a miniature chaise lounge. Bamboo is upholstered in smooth fabric in your choice of color and supported by an aluminum frame.

Get Emotional with the E-Motion


The E-Motion Coffee Table is like a fully-loaded vehicle. It has several features that entice and intrigue those who stop by for a ride.

To start, the E-Motion has an optional LED kit that illuminates the table, as shown above.Many different colors are available and can easily be changed and operated by a switch on the table or by a remote control.


You can see from this image that the remote control also controls another function, which is the adjustable height of the E-Motion. The mirrored frame of the E-Motion can go from its 43 cm height to a tall 82 cm. Again, this can be controlled by the switch or the rmote.


Another useful feature of the E-Motion is the sliding side extensions. Two extensions provide more space in the living room, or crank up the height, pull out the side extensions and you’ve got yourself a modern dining table!

Designed by Italian design company Ozzio Design, the E-Motion is referred to a transformable item. The perfect name for a product that can be illuminated, extended to the side or within height. The awesome features of the E-Motion enable it to save space within your modern home, as needed.



Lelit is a modern bed that is “made-to-dream”. Two, independent pieces make up the headboard and can be molded and folded whichever way you please.


Hidden inside the headboard are flexible metal tubes that enable easy movement of the headboard. The headboard can be folded down to provide extra support behind your pillow or to provide a two-tone aesthetic.

The Lelit headboard is upholstered in quilted fabric, and is also available in velvet. The back of the headboard is upholstered in leather.


Lelit is designed by Paola Navone for Poltrona Frau.

April 8th, 2011 by Lyn

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Fun-Filled Bookstore

Now you have an excuse to keep all of your favorite magazines – and the space to store them! With the Fun-Filled Bookstore, your magazine collection becomes your coffee table.

Designed by Rush Pleansuk, an industrial designer from Thailand, the Fun-Filled Coffee Table is made from powder-coated metal. It is available in yellow, red, black or white.

Taxing Art: The T228/89 Table

Taxing Art is an interesting concept designed by Beta Tank. Taxing Art was created as a representation of the relationship between design and art and bureaucratic policies.

Their website explains: “Our Taxing Art research explores the convoluted kingdom of taxes and international customs laws, which continue to define man-made objects and creative practices against archaic categories.”

The T228/89 Table is made using 119 rotating pyramids. This sequence of photos highlights the quick transformation that the table takes from design object to sculpture.

Because, as Beta Tank states, it can never be both – in legal terms.

Beta Tank is a team of conceptual product designers. For more information on the Taxing Art project, check out their website:

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