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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Garota de Calhau by Nini Aldrade Silva


Garota de Calhau means “Girl of the Pebble” and is a beautiful collection of modern furniture and accessories inspired by the pebbles of  Madeira Island. The Garota de Calhau collection is designed by Nini Andrade Silva, an international designer. Shown above is the Pebble Sofa.


Orelhudo Easy Chair


Pebble Table


Number Two Pot

Check out the entire Garota de Calhau Collection here.



Meaning “cave” in Hungarian, the Odu is a unique seat that allows you to sit upright or lay down with an easy tilt.


The outer shell of the Odu is made of a smooth fiberglass shell, the perfect contrast to the soft fabric upholstery. The seat cushion is available in a large variety of colors to choose from.


Three Odus together can be placed into a ball for easy and fun storage. The Odu is designed by Confused Direction, an interior and product design company from Germany.

April 4th, 2011 by Lyn

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The Torino is a custom, made-to-order piece of modern furniture, available in orange and white.

It is part of the Retro Collection from Jory Brigham, a California-based designer who began woodworking with his father at a very young age.


As the Torino is custom-made, there are endless possibilities for creating whatever the client wants.

heck out more of Jory Brigham’s work at his website:


Sway is a modern rocking chair designed by Markus Krauss.

Supported by a steel frame, Sway has a padded, upholstered seat. It can rock as you please, or be locked into a stationary position.

Sway can be used with one person, or two, in many different ways.

Designer Markus Krauss is based out of Germany.

How would you sit in the Sway rocking chair?

Lucky Love Chair

The Lucky Love Chair is a beautiful modern chair made from Dutch craftsmanship. Using bent and steamed plywood, designer Maarten Baptist created a unique, layered design.

The website says “The Lucky Love Chair…is trying to give you a good feeling on the first sight and tries to hug you.”

It is supported by a thin, black metal frame.

The Lucky Love Chair is manufactured in the Netherlands and available through JOINE – Office for Design.

The OfficePOD

Imagine a life where your commute to work involves walking across the yard. Your savings on gas and transportation would be unreal!

With the OfficePOD, a commuter’s dream becomes reality. Made of sustainable and recyclable materials, the OfficePOD presents an environmentally-friendly office solution. For those that work at home, the OfficePOD provides a private, secluded place away from the hustle and bustle that occurs in some homes – thus increasing productivity.

For those that work in an office space, the OfficePOD reduces commuter fees and the pollution that comes from cars, trains, buses, etc. For employers, it works to reduce overhead costs while encouraging productivity in employees. Plus, the POD is eco-friendly, with heavy insulation and low-energy consumption.

The OfficePOD has a sleek, contemporary design so that it doesn’t provide an eyesore when in the backyard or other space.

How would you like working in the OfficePOD tucked in your own backyard?

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