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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

6 Different Ways to Easily Energize Before Your Busy Day

Getting back into the swing of things after a long Fourth of July weekend can be exhausting! Here are a few ways to easily energize in the morning before your busy day.

Peppermint Oil or Lemon Oil

Add 1 drop of lemon or peppermint oil in a diffuser for a uplifting aroma. You can also dab a little peppermint oil or lemon oil on your wrists, ankles and forehead as well. The oils are absorbed through the skin and can help to energize and rejuvenate you.

Green Tea

A refreshing cup of green tea is a great way to start your morning. It is a healthy alternative to a cup of a coffee. With caffeine and antioxidants, green tea provides many uses such as an increase in energy, immunity and can help to support weight loss.

Morning Yoga

Morning yoga is an excellent way to stretch out those sleepy muscles. Yoga is far less strenuous than other morning exercises and it will leave you feeling revitalized throughout the rest of your day.

Caffeinated Soap

Save on coffee and time with caffeinated soap! Use this soap during your morning shower and allow your skin to absorb its uplifting effects.


Scoop a handful of these succulent berries for your morning snack. Blueberries boost energy and promote brain function.

Fun Morning Mugs

Smiling and laughing when you first wake up can leave you feeling good all day long. This fun mug wakes up with you when you pour hot liquid into it.

These are just a few quick morning pick-me-ups, what other ways do you energize in the morning and throughout your day?

Flexible Furniture: The Bentwood Chair



Skyla Bentwood Chair

The flexible and affordable bentwood chair offers comfortable seating for anywhere in your home. Use this versatile chair in your dining room, living room or at your desk to add a touch of functional art to your furniture collection.

Trendy Edge Bentwood Stacking Chair

The original design for the bentwood chair was invented in the 1800s by Michael Thornet, a German born cabinetmaker.  His technique of molding plywood to create curved forms was perfected in the mid-20th century and has remained a true favorite among modern design enthusiasts ever since its arrival on the modern décor scene.

Trendy Edge Bentwood Barstool

Add a touch of modern design to your home decor and choose from a full selection of affordable bentwood chairs to furnish your home!

July 3rd, 2013 by Alexandra Christina

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Meditative Spaces: Creating a Sacred Space in a Cluttered Home

Your outer environment reflects your inner state of being – while we may not be able to change the buildings, restaurants and roads throughout our towns and cities, we do have some say over the way we make our homes feel on the inside.

Waves of anxiety have washed over me when my apartment was awry with clothes all over the bedroom floor, dishes in the sink and knick knacks lying around. There is a sense of urgency to clean and to tidy up but with little time to do so, I would just give up and attempt to find solace somewhere outside the house.

Our busy days, whether it be long hours at the office or running around with the kids gives us only a short window of time for ourselves. We sometimes forget the importance of taking a few minutes from our hectic schedules to clear our minds and gain a little R & R in the meantime.

Creating our own sanctuary in our home where we can meditate, read or relax serves as a helpful reminder that taking time for ourselves should be a vital priority on our to-do list.

Here are some inspirational rooms to get you starting on creating your own “me-time” area in your home:

I love this idea especially if privacy is hard to come by in your home.  Drapery hanging from the ceiling can create a teepee like structure to enclose you. Then simply place some pillows at the base of it for comfort and a few candles around the perimeter for a perfect spot to meditate, write, read or reflect.

This modern nook also serves as an excellent hideaway for a slice of peace and serenity in your day.

It is always a nice touch to add a window to the outside world to your sacred space. It allows for the natural world to enter your space while protecting you from the elements. This space also incorporates an altar into its design.

An altar doesn’t have to be associated with any sort of religion or spiritual belief system. It can be a simple place for personal expression of what you want to focus on and where you can rest meaningful objects.

If you have room in your backyard, you can also add an outdoor-indoor haven.


Great accents to add to your sanctuary can include:

Mood lighting – lights that come in unique shapes and colors, blue and greens lights are very tranquil, christmas lights strung throughout and around your space, star projectors

Scented Candles – candles also provide serene lighting for any sacred space and can also come in scents like lavender or sandalwood for a calming effect

Incense – whether you choose to use the sticks or the cones, incense comes in a variety of scents that can alter the atmosphere in an extremely pleasant way

Comfortable linens, pillows, cushions and furniture – making your space as comfy and cozy as possible is absolutely essential to partake in the peace

Natural elements – adding aspects of nature like flowers, plants, crystals and miniature indoor waterfalls

I hope some of these meditative spaces inspired you to create your own. Just remember, the most important aspect of your space is how it makes you feel when you go there. There is no wrong or right way to create it!

How do you unwind after the day is done? Are there any must-have essentials for your relaxation time that you can’t live without? Feel free to share any ways a busy bee can learn to balance life better by creating a meditative space in their home.

July 1st, 2013 by Alexandra Christina

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Recipe Radar: Basil Chimichurri

I bought a huge thing of basil at the grocery store that I was supposed to plant, but being that it was raining cats and dogs outside, I decided that I was going to use it all up. Rather than making the standard batch of pesto with it, I wanted to try something new. Since I was making steak last night, chimichurri sauce was the first thing that came to mind. I had never heard of chimichurri being made with basil, but I thought let me Google it and sure enough, I found what I was looking for!

I used a little bit less garlic than this recipe from Sarah’s Cucina Bella, but other than that I stuck to it and it was the perfect accent to our steak. A great summer sauce that I definitely recommend putting on your recipe radar!

What other summer sauces do you plan on making this season?


June 14th, 2013 by Christina

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Product Pick: Step

Toss out the old dingy step ladder that’s been passed down from your grandparent’s grandparents and replace it with the fabulously stylish Step, this week’s Product Pick. Of if you weren’t lucky enough to inherit one of those and use a flimsy IKEA stool to reach high places, the Step is far more sturdy and appealing.

Designed by Iacoli & McAllister, the Step is made from a matte black powder-coated frame with brass hinges. The steps are made from oak with a pink wash, giving it a sweet, almost feminine touch.

Unfortunately, Step is not currently in production, but hopefully it will be in the near future. At $1250 each, Step is not necessarily an item you would need for the home, unless you are an avid modern design aficionado, but I could justify seeing it in a modern workshop of some sort – or even a contemporary library with tall shelves.

Where do you see Step?

June 12th, 2013 by Christina

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Jet Lag

I’m feeling a bit jet lagged after traveling to the beautiful island of Bora Bora last week. Whenever I travel to the UK, which is five hours ahead, I never feel as sluggish and unmotivated as I have after my return from this trip – which was 6 hours behind. They say you need a day for each hour to recover, but I’m hoping it won’t take me the full six days!

Perhaps my tiredness and lack of ambition is coming from the fact that I left such an unbelievably gorgeous place. We stayed in one of the bungalows over the water and the scenery was more breathtaking as each day passed. If you’re a Kardashian follower, you may have seen the episodes where the family traveled to Bora Bora, which took place at the same resort that we stayed in.

Although the food could have been a bit more fabulous, it didn’t even matter because we were surrounded by the most gorgeous natural sites, including that crystal blue water. Have you ever been to any of the French Polynesian islands? The skies were perfect, the mountains and palm trees gorgeous and the people were extremely friendly.

The only problem is leaving! How do you recover from jet lag when you return from traveling? Is there any way to snap yourself out of the sluggishness?

June 11th, 2013 by Christina

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