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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.



I guess it’s because I am a writer, but I am fascinated with all things letters.  These chairs are no exception.



The ABC Chairs are the work of Roeland Otten. And yes, there are 26 different styles – one for each letter of the alphabet.  The type font has been optimized for three dimensions and of course to actually provide a seat.  Fascinated – I might have to get myself an S for my office.. what do you think?


More here.

June 1st, 2010 by sf210

Industrial Upholstery


What’s so special about this chair other than its cool look? The Industrial Upholstery Chair’s name says it all. The upholstery that makes it so fun to look at, is actually part of this chair’s structure.


The Industrial Upholstery Chair is the work of designer Gilli Kuchik. Inspired to do something new with upholstery, Kuchik created this unique chair by injected polyurethane into the fabric, adding to the shape and structure of the chair. See more here.

May 28th, 2010 by sf210

Physics for the Wine Lover


Attention wine lovers! Want to make sure you get an equal share? Then you need One For All, All For One, a wine dispenser from Italian design collective Acquacalda. Based on a principle of physics, this unique wine dispenser does more than look cool, it also makes sure each glass gets an equal serving. It also looks cool and fills multiple glasses simultaneously. What’s not to love?

May 27th, 2010 by sf210

Testing the Limits of Matter


Yup, this is one interesting exhibit. This series is the work of design students from Venice and San Marino. The key ingredients are bread, rice, and licorice. Not materials you expect to find in a chair.

While this chair is one I probably wouldn’t want to sit in, it is pretty intriguing nonetheless. This series was designed to research what the limits of matter are, and the energy, chemical processes, and results would be it would lead to. What do you think?

May 26th, 2010 by sf210

Get Grilling


With everyone looking forward to the long holiday weekend coming up, I figured now is the time to feature this cool grill I’ve been wanting. Not only does it have a great look and come in an amazing selection of vibrant colors, its compact size makes it perfect for apartments, condos, and small spaces.


Called the FYRKAT, this charcoal grill is easily portable as well, so it’s perfect for tailgating too! Best of all, you can grab one in time for the summer holidays at a very reasonable 49.95. More here.

May 25th, 2010 by sf210

Evening Breeze


This bed does more than look cool, it actually keeps you cool too. The Evening Breeze Canopi Bed enables you to create your own personal cool sleeping climate. It features a canopy that is placed over the bed, which features an integrated ventilation system that cools the area in which you are sleeping without any noise.

Why not just turn on the AC? The Evening Breeze Canopi Bed offers a lot of things air conditioning can’t, like focusing the cool air directly on you. You can even leave the bedroom windows open for fresh air, without affecting your cool sleep sanctuary. This also makes it more efficient, making the Evening Breeze Canopi Bed a eco-conscious choice while helping you to save on your energy bill. See more here.

May 24th, 2010 by sf210

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