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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Coffee Tables vs. Cocktail Tables

Do you know the difference between a coffee table and a cocktail table? I didn’t either, don’t worry. I figured a coffee table was well, a coffee table and a cocktail table was essentially a bar table. But then I started seeing low tables in living rooms being referred to as cocktail tables and I had to do some investigation as to what the difference is between a coffee table and a cocktail table. And guess what? There’s no difference at all! They’re exactly the same thing.

I know you’re not supposed to fully trust Wikipedia, but I often do, especially when it sounds legit. Here’s what they have to say about the coffee table vs. cocktail table debate: “A coffee table, also called a cocktail table, is a style of long, low table which is designed to be placed in front of a sofa, to support beverages (hence the name), magazines, books (especially coffee table books), and other small items to be used while sitting, such as beverage coasters. ”

Makes sense, right? Both coffee and cocktails refer to beverages and depending on what time of the day you’re sitting at the sofa, it’s like that you’re sipping a coffee or a cocktail. (Or both!)

After reading Wikipedia, I headed over to Cymax and went through some of their coffee tables and cocktail tables and found the images above. As you can see, one has glasses for cocktails and another has a cup for coffee (or tea). So, the styling on these tables reiterates the fact that cocktail tables and coffee tables are essentially one in the same!

Well, after all that rambling, I’m glad I settled that! From now on, I’ll use the terms interchangeably depending on the time of day or what type of beverage I’m craving! How about you – what do you call these tables – coffee tables or cocktail tables?

[All images via Cymax]


March 26th, 2012 by Christina

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Moodboard: Wallpaper Accent Wall

Last week, I posted a Love This Look? post about wallpaper accent walls. Ever since then, I’ve been thinking about how I would recreate the look. So, I made a moodboard for it!

Creating a living room based around the wallpaper accent wall, I chose a patterned paper that had a bold purple background and green, blue and yellow accents to work with. The above moodboard is what I came up with. Looking at it again, I’m thinking I would maybe make a quick change and paint the walls the green accent from the wallpaper rather than the buttery yellow.

How would you approach the wallpaper accent wall?

[All sources here]

March 26th, 2012 by Christina

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The Nest

It’s supposed to be BEAUTIFUL in New Jersey today! How is the weather where you are?

I can’t think of a better way than to spend the day outdoors – of course – and this unique Nest from Kirv would make my outdoor experience all the more enjoyable. Made from electro-polished stainless steel, the Nest is like the outdoor version of the popular Ball Chair.

Plus, that pink weatherproof seat has my name written all over it with it’s vibrancy! What do you think of the Kirv Nest?

March 22nd, 2012 by Christina

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The Bourgie Lamp

At Eataly in NYC, all of their chairs are made by Kartell and they have a section in the front of one of the entrances with different lamps and accessories also made by Kartell. I can’t remember if they had the Bourgie Lamp and the Take Lamp there, or just the Take Lamp, but either way, I know that my encounter with this section led me to the Bourgie Lamp and a new obsession.

Just look at that lamp, it’s fun, modern and gorgeous! And I need one, in gold, ASAP! Better start saving my pennies, huh? That bad boy in gold runs for close to $1,000.

What are you feelings on the Kartell Bourgie Lamp? Do you love it as much as I do?

[Images: 123456]

March 21st, 2012 by Christina

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Recipe Radar: On the Grill

Happy Spring! I know we’re not even one full day into the season, but do you have Spring Fever?! I sure do, hence today’s recipe radar: all recipes on the grill. Because it’s getting nicer and the time to grill is finally here.

I know a lot of people grill throughout the Winter, and we actually did this year too, because it was such a mild season. But, with Spring comes the weather where you can grill outside and stay outside to eat, while enjoying the greens of the trees and the blooms of the flowers. So, here’s a few grilling recipes to keep on your radar:

1) Filipino BBQ Pork Skewers
2) Three-Cheese Potatoes
3) Grilled Chicken with Peach BBQ Sauce
4) Grilled Watermelon Salad

What are some of your favorite recipes for the grill?

March 20th, 2012 by Christina

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Grey Rooms + Colorful Chairs: Would You Rather?

Broken down, these are two grey rooms with bright, colorful chairs. The first room is a darker shade of grey, with whites, blacks and more pops of color than just the bright coral chairs.

On the other hand, the second room is a lighter almost-white grey accessorized with various other shades of grey and then popped with the bright sea green chairs.

So, two grey rooms with colorful chairs – which would you rather?

[Images: 12]

March 19th, 2012 by Christina

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