Alternative Furniture: Wardrobes & Dressers

Sick and tired of not having enough space in your home for the essential storage and have limited space for more furnishings? The advancements in creativity and innovation has brought forth new and spatially efficient alternatives to dressers and wardrobes. Step into the world of spacious living!

This designer decided to eliminate clothing storage entirely from the bedroom. Instead he decided to reinvent his stairs to provide an ample amount of space for him and his family. A safe added touch to this design would be installing locking mechanisms to prevent any unwarranted drawer opening.

A design originally created by designer Ana White, the Laundry Basket Dresser is unique and space granting. In eliminating the extra step of moving the clean laundry from the basket to the dresser and the needed space for the laundry basket itself, Ana has designed a revolutionary product that provides not only extra time but space as well.

This alternative to the common dresser was created by Lavender Gray. In this, the unused walls are creatively turned into breathtaking pieces of furniture eliminating all space issues within the room. This allows for the re-purposing of the already existing dresser or wardrobe. Maybe you can even make a few extra bucks off of the unused furnishings!

July 11th, 2017 by Alex

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