Naturally Fresh Aroma For Your Home: Potpourri

DIY: Potpourri

A great way to keep your beautiful living space smelling fresh and lovely all year around is with an ancient technique originating in France as early as the 17th century. It is simple to make using natural Ingredients.

Potpourri Ingredients:
– Flower petals
-Essential oils

How to make:

– Pick flower petals and roots/bark from any natural setting (generally choose flowers / bark with a fragrant and pleasant scent)

*Note, if you are have trouble finding flowers, you can purchase at your local florist*

-Preheat oven for 275 Degrees Fahrenheit
-Place flower petals and roots/bark on a metal cookie sheet.

-Drizzle petals and roots/bark with your choice of essential oil.
*For example: with rose petals, I chose a muskier scent like myrrh or patchouli to drizzle on top to balance the sweet, aromatic scent of the roses.

– Leave in oven until petals are slightly toasted and dry.

Let your dried materials cool down for 15 – 20 min. Then, place in a decorative bowl or bright colored sachet. You can place your fragrant and colorful creations in different areas of the home as display, hidden in corners of the home or place the sachet under your pillow or in your drawers to give your clothing a delightful scent.

And – there you have it. Homemade potpourri without any harmful chemicals or unnecessary fragrances!

June 26th, 2017 by Alex

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