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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

“Fun to Assemble” Furniture: Legare Sustainable Furniture


I love coming across innovative features for furniture design especially when it makes for great pieces that are both stylish and affordable.

Legare Sustainable Furniture offers a quick, easy and affordable way for you to set up furniture in your home, office or college dorm room by using a forward-thinking tab and slot design. This allows you to put it together and take it apart without ever having to pick up a bolt or a tool!  Legare even markets its furniture as being “fun to assemble,” so you never know – maybe spending a few minutes putting together that media table or desk will feel less like a chore.

This “tool-free” assembly may put some people off but Legare also ensures users that each successive piece locks the previous pieces into place assuring stability and strength.

In addition to its original and unique design, it is made from FSC certified Moso bamboo, a highly sustainable and sturdy wood with an eco-friendly carbonized finish produced by a non-toxic kiln process.

Legare Sustainable Furniture is inventive design and contemporary style melded with environmentally friendly and resourceful materials– a winning combination that anyone would be proud to showcase in their home or office.

Modern Meets Victorian: Love This Look?

Modern style when mixed with Victorian decor can bring an elegant blend of fresh perspective with a classic look to the interior design of your home.

Have no fear when melding together these two worlds into one stunning new conception.

February 4th, 2014 by Alexandra Christina

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2014 Big Game Snacks for Sunday

This year the big game is going to be in my backyard in Rutherford, New Jersey and while I am not a huge fan of football, I do enjoy getting together with friends and family to watch the big event!  I thought I would post a few tasty pictures of creative treats that would be great to make for this Sunday.

Mango Guacamole

Spicy Cheddar Cheese Football

Gouda Chroizo Jalapeno Peppers

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon

I have to admit that the food is probably my favorite part – so put the diet aside for the night, have a great time watching the big game and enjoy as many delicious snacks as you can!

Nurture Yourself with Nature Inspired Color Combination: Brown & Green


Nature is filled with inspiring color combinations and patterns that look absolutely stunning when brought into interior design. One of my favorites nature-inspired color combinations is walnut and/or walnut veneered furniture combined with a grassy green color motif.  It has a sophisticated contemporary style with an outdoorsy vibe.

The brown and green color combination can also influence your mood as well. Brown affects the mind and body by creating feelings of stability, wholesomeness, relaxation and warmth. Green is thought to relieve stress and to bring about feelings of balance and harmony. You can imagine what a wonderful affect these two colors will have on your state of being when brought together in the home.

This combination looks incredible in any room in the home and is a great way to subtly mix nature and nurture into one pretty package.

White Furniture with Bright Colored Walls

White furniture with a brightly colored accent wall backing it really makes the furniture pop while giving it an ultra-modern and contemporary style.

It really showcases the bold and clean cut shapes of the furniture while not being too visually overpowering.

Decorating with simple colors and shapes is this minimalist lover’s dream decor and can be achieved with a bucket of paint that is vibrant and a few unique pieces of white or lightly colored furniture.


Starry Night Sky – Create This Cool Effect in Your Bedroom


Going to bed each night with the stars above can be tricky – especially if you don’t feel like sleeping outdoors! But there are a few ways to create the effect of sleeping under a starlit sky. For starters, I would recommend painting your room a deep, midnight or cobalt blue color. (This is recommended but not necessary to get the effect!) Once this task is completed, one of the ways to create stars is by using glow in the dark paint and dotting the stars and constellations on your ceiling and walls.

Another way to create this effect is a bit more complicated and will require purchase of a fiber optics kit. Once you have the kit, you can drill holes in your ceiling and wall creating your own starry night design and feed the fibers through. Creating a glowing starlit sky using optic fibers looks particularly realistic and when several strands of lights are in a single spot, you can even make some stars appear brighter!

Sleeping under a starlit night sky in your own bedroom or creating one for your little one’s nursery is a great way to transform the space into a more romantic and peaceful place.

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