1 Day til’ Christmas Countdown: It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a – oops! we forgot to put out cookies and milk for santa!
It’s best to not wait until the last minute to get everything done before Christmas morning, especially if we have curious children who want to know if Santa is real or not – but sometimes with late deliveries, work, kids and preparations, it’s difficult to remember to get everything done. Below is a Christmas Eve checklist to make sure we have everything in order so Christmas Day is a merry day to remember!
Christmas Eve Checklist:
Make sure the christmas tree lights are on!
Wrapped our gifts and hid them in the trunk of our car (this is the best hiding spot for kids who snoop around to see where the goods are).
Made a little area for Santa’s treats – use a small table or a fold up tv dinner table, put out milk and cookies, write a little note for santa. Don’t forget about the Santa’s reindeer! You and your kids can collect leaves, twigs and vines to put out for the reindeer to eat.
Make sure to drink some of the milk and take a bite out of one of the cookies after the kids are asleep – leave a handmade and handwritten note from santa to your kids – make it extra special. Get rid of the reindeer food.
Make sure those kids are fast asleep – most kids get very excited the night before Christmas in anticipation for Santa, let them stay up an hour or more so they are extra sleepy, have them take a warm bath and give them some warm milk before bed. You can even play light, soothing music so they aren’t woken by any sounds.
Once you are sure they are fast asleep, quietly place the gifts under the tree
Don’t forget the stocking stuffers!
Make christmas breakfast the night before so you can just stick it in the oven to warm it on Christmas morning. This way you won’t miss any of the action.
Have a large garbage bag for recycling ready for the discarded wrapping paper to go in to make clean up easy.
Have your camera ready for christmas morning – take lots of pictures to see the smile on everyone’s faces!