Today I bring you some very interesting work from Jennifer Anderson. The first image is part of her Material Series, in which Anderson created the same chair in five different materials. Shown here from left to right are mud, wax, and wood. Her collection also includes grass and bronze.   I think it is so interesting to see the emphasis placed on the material rather than the form, which is normally the first thing most of us look at.
Anderson was very intrigued by the chairs she created in mud, so taking it a step further she decided to “remake†several modern classics (pictured here is Wegner’s Wishbone Chair). The focus this time was permanence/impermanence. On her website she does not go on to say what she means by this, but for me it proves the staying power of great design. Even made in mud, this chair is distinctly Wenger and the fact that is made with mud doesn’t change that. Now how many designers can you say that about? Pieces from the Mud Series are available for purchase by special order via Anderson’s website.