There are several ways to make extra cash you can do in addition to your main job, many of which you can do in the comfort of your own home and you can fit them around your schedule and lifestyle –
Pet Sitting – If you live in a house, preferably with a yard, there are websites such as where you can host dogs (similar to a kennel) when dog owners need a place for their furry friends to stay for the day or overnight – you set the rate and get paid for caring for their animal.
Thrift Stores Finds – You can find a lot of treasures at thrift stores for way less than their original cost – clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessory seems to sell the fastest on websites like and if you have a good eye for fashion – take nice photos of your finds (make them look desirable!) and create an online store on a third party platform or build a website to sell your thrifty treasures. You can also use websites such as and where people in your area will see what your selling and will come directly to your house to give you cash in hand and pick it up- no travel on your part necessary.
Vending – Find out what street fairs, year round flea markets, farmers markets or vending opportunities are happening in your area – if you have a hobby you enjoy such as baking you can sell your goods for a few hours on the weekends to make some extra loot.
Blogging / Product Reviews – If you have a particular topic or hobby that interests you, look for websites online in that arena – find their contact information and offer to write product reviews and blog articles for them – there is a chance you can get some freebies (which you can later sell if you want!) and you can get paid to write about things you enjoy – if they are hesitant to pay you can lower your rate per article – remember its extra money – don’t undervalue yourself but also remember its something you can do in the comfort of your home if you choose and when you choose.