If you’re a spring bride who had a shower in April – you’re probably anticipating the big day within the next couple of weeks during the beautiful month of May! Flowers are an essential part of the big event – and you more than likely have your floral arrangements picked, and ready to go for the big day. While I know that tons of preparation goes into wedding planning, I wanted to offer a few last minute ideas to help spruce up your spring bouquet! These ideas will really add something special to your already special day. Check out six different ways to put a twist on your May flowers!
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrow, Something Blue & Sixpence in her shoe
I love the idea of brooches mixed into floral bouquets. I think that sometimes the idea of incorporating this tradition into your attire is overwhelming. I think that it’s a great idea to compress this into one grand arrangement, using the concept of the brooch bouquet. What do you think? Check out the ideas below!
Old – ask one your of your relatives for a article of clothing that they wouldn’t mind donating a swatch of, this can be a wedding veil, or even a tie. Have it made into a wrap for the bouquet.
New – The flowers of course will be new, but let’s add something to it. What could be more new than the greatest symbol of your union? Your rings but of course, tie them to the bouquet for a unique twist!
Borrowed-brooches old, new, mix it up! your mother, aunts, and grandmothers might have some really interesting vintage pieces, and your bridal party could contribute one of their choice as well for a modern mix!
Blue – If your arrangement is blue, you’re one step ahead of the game! If not, you can include a small blue flower, brooch if it matches, or ribbon. If you want to go for something more discreet – pin a blue charm to the bouquet. For example, in Greek tradition we use the “mati” or evil eye charm for good luck. This is a great addition to a bouquet!
Now all you need is the sixpence and your shoe – or in your Brooch bouquet!