Easter has snuck up on me. I knew it was coming, I just didn’t expect it to be here so soon. Which I guess is just life, but I really wanted to make some fabulous eggs this year and I’m not sure if I’ll have time before Sunday.
Are you making any fun eggs this week? I have seen so many awesome DIYs that I don’t know if I can pick just one. I’m probably going to have to glitter some eggs, like the ones above, because I love anything with glitter, and that’s pretty easy.
If you are in the mood to decorate some eggs, whether you celebrate Easter or not, you have to check out this post on Brit + Co. They have rounded up 40 awesome ways to decorate eggs, including the two above, and they are all really cool. Some require a bit more work, but some are pretty straightforward.
And if you have any awesome eggs to show off, please do in the comments!