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Modern Furniture Blog
Modern Design Blog

A blog about thought-provoking, forward-thinking modern furniture, lighting & decor.

Stairwells & Frames: Love this Look?

Gallery walls are pretty much perfect anywhere you put them – but how about leading you up the stairs as in these images above?

Putting these arrangements together likely takes a decent amount of patience, but I’d say it is worth the effort! The first two picture galleries have a climbing effect as the stairs escalate, while the third image just has the frames arranged over the entire wall. And they’re all green, while the others are all black and a mixture of black, white, silver.

There’s a lot you can do with the details of this look – but as far as stairwells and picture frames go – what do you think of it? Do you love this look?


[Images 123]

April 2nd, 2013 by Christina

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Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Happy Monday! Can you believe it’s April already? Hopefully you’ve got some good pranks going on for April Fool’s Day!

Today, I’m sharing the instructions how to make the chocolate covered pretzels above. I made them this past weekend to take with me for Easter brunch and then dinner. They weren’t hard to make, just a bit time consuming.

To get started, I went to Michael’s and picked up some Wilton’s melting chocolates in dark chocolate and light chocolate and then a bag of pink and green for the drizzle. I also grabbed a pair of plastic bottles, like these here, to apply the drizzle to the pretzels. You can use the bottles, decorating bags or even a Ziploc bag with the corner cut off! You could also use chocolate from the grocery store, including white chocolate with food coloring for whatever colors you need. You’ll also need pretzels of your choice, of course!

Once I had all of my supplies, I made a psuedo double boiler by putting an inch of water in a saucepan and a glass bowl on top, so that the water was not touching the bowl. I let the water warm up and placed the chocolate in the bowl, stirring until melted. As the chocolate is melting, lay out wax paper for the pretzels to dry on, either on your countertops or on top of cookie sheets for mobility.

Once the chocolate was melted, I brought the pan off of the burner and closer to my wax paper. Next, I put the pretzels in the melted chocolate and covered them completely using a regular fork, which I then used to fish the pretzel out and place on the wax paper to dry. Repeat this step until the pretzels are covered, or you need to melt more chocolate. Occasionally I put three pretzels in at once to speed up the process.

After all of the pretzels were covered and sitting to dry, I melted the colored chocolates and poured them into the bottles. Then I went back and forth over the pretzels to create the drizzle. In the morning, once the pretzels had sat over night, I removed the excess chocolate and packaged the pretzels up to take.

Simple to do, nice to look at and delicious to eat!

Have you made chocolate covered pretzels before? What’s your method?

Weekly Six: 3.29.13

March 29th, 2013 by Christina

Chesterfield Beds

While I would love one day to own a Chesterfield Sofa, I think these Chesterfield Beds from Frank Hudson just trumped the sofas and made it to the top of my wish list.

Although I’m not usually a fan of red, this ruby red velvet is dramatic and lovely. But the caramel leather – how beautiful is that? With the deep tufts and the similar rounded edges that the Chesterfield sofas boasts, these beds would be a gorgeous addition to any modern bedroom.

The distressed leather bed can be for a more masculine bedroom, surrounded by dark dramatic woods. I’m picturing the red velvet bed as more feminine and traditional, and that chandelier is the perfect match. As for bedding, I wouldn’t use much design or color – these beds are enough on their own!

What do you think of these Chesterfield beds? How are you picturing them in a bedroom?


Product Pick: Softseating

Offered by molo, this week’s product pick is a unique type of seating – Softseating. With magnets on each end, this modern seating can also be used as low tables. Essentially, it can be made into whatever you desire – as you can see from the images above.

Softseating is made in two different versions – one is from fire-retardant kraft paper, which is available in brown and charcoal black. The second material offered is water-resistant Tyvek, which is available in white or black.

I’ve never heard of furniture made from kraft paper – have you? I would love to see what these look like, but I’m assuming they are durable or it wouldn’t be happening!

What do you think of Softseating?

March 27th, 2013 by Christina

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DIY Eggs for Easter

Easter has snuck up on me. I knew it was coming, I just didn’t expect it to be here so soon. Which I guess is just life, but I really wanted to make some fabulous eggs this year and I’m not sure if I’ll have time before Sunday.

Are you making any fun eggs this week? I have seen so many awesome DIYs that I don’t know if I can pick just one. I’m probably going to have to glitter some eggs, like the ones above, because I love anything with glitter, and that’s pretty easy.

If you are in the mood to decorate some eggs, whether you celebrate Easter or not, you have to check out this post on Brit + Co. They have rounded up 40 awesome ways to decorate eggs, including the two above, and they are all really cool. Some require a bit more work, but some are pretty straightforward.

And if you have any awesome eggs to show off, please do in the comments!

March 26th, 2013 by Christina

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